The Iowa Energy Center Recommends The Use Of The Fireplace Draftstopper!

The Iowa Energy Center

Plug your fireplace. If you never use the fireplace, put a plug in the flue of the chimney to reduce heat loss. Seal the plug to the chimney with caulk and be sure to tell anyone who may want to start a fire that the chimney is plugged. If you occasionally use the fireplace, you can add an inflatable DraftStopperâ„¢.

The Iowa Energy Center was created in 1990. The Energy Center’s mission is to:

Strive to increase energy efficiency in all areas of energy use; Serve as a model for state efforts to decrease dependence on imported fuels and to decrease reliance on energy production from nonrenewable, resource-depleting fuels; Assist in assessing technology related to energy efficiency and alternative energy production systems; and Support educational and demonstration programs that encourage implementation of energy efficiency.

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